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Jessica Childs
Apr 4, 20243 min read
Truly Impressive Beings....
I talk a lot about socialization and conditioning as the biggest challenge we have to having joy, ease and pleasure in our sex and...

Jessica Childs
Dec 6, 20236 min read
That Time I Said "NO" to Sex (Part 2)
Hello, dear readers... thanks for bearing with me as I slowly tell this story. I often hear from people how grateful they are for my...

Jessica Childs
Nov 2, 20234 min read
That Time I Said "NO" to Sex (Part 1)
One night, I was sitting across from my partner in a hot tub playing footsies across the jets. The sky was clear and the stars...they are...

Jessica Childs
May 22, 20222 min read
The Big O! Have Bigger and Better Orgasms By Not Having Orgasms at all.
Orgasms are these wild things. For a few delicious moments, we sort of crack open and the world around us stills, the body, mind and soul...

Jessica Childs
Aug 6, 20214 min read
Caught In a Bind
Why would a cis-gendered, hetero-married female-person and mother bind her breasts? And an avid breastfeeding advocate to boot! I'll get...

Jessica Childs
Jul 21, 20214 min read
Erectile Dysfunction - The One Who Got Away...
Did I shack up with the WRONG DUDE? Well, that got your attention. Don't worry. Eric and I are killing it at this whole nesting partners...

Jessica Childs
Jun 1, 20214 min read
Why I Exercise Naked
I am going to be brutally honest here. The vast majority of time I have spent in this body I have felt like I was wearing a slumpy,...

Jessica Childs
May 24, 20212 min read
Romance as Role Play
Romance. Ah...Romance. Does it turn you on? Is it your thing? "You are the most wonderful person I have ever laid eyes on" "I will never...

Jessica Childs
May 4, 20213 min read
Overcoming Awkward When Meeting People
Do you get nervous when you are sparked by someone and want to initiate conversation and connection? When someone has a certain something...

Jessica Childs
Apr 29, 20214 min read
Healing with Sex : Core Desires
Last night I participated in a panel discussion on Core Desires. It was deep and hot and really informed. I got even more clarity on my...

Jessica Childs
Apr 22, 20214 min read
Attachment Styles in Relationships
Do you sometimes feel needy, clingy and insecure around your partner, family or friends? Or perhaps you feel persecuted for being...

Jessica Childs
Dec 15, 20203 min read
The Activation Fee of Moving Forward
My morning was stink. To be fair, I am characterizing the ENTIRE morning as stink when in reality, it was just one stink moment. But...
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